Knot a Total Loss

It's All Wordy Bit This Time: I've mentioned before that we celebrate failure, and that's a point. No one in my family sets out to fail, but when we do, as long as we can learn from it, we celebrate it. There's no shame or harm in failing, as long as you learn from it. This was my first big "failure" in crochet, and I learned a good bit. Looks quite innocuous, doesn't it? I was attempting to do what the fine folks at Daisy Farm Crafts have perfected: the plaid or gingham blanket. I followed their formula: a set number of stitches and rows per color, the griddle stitch (alternating a single crochet and a double crochet), and three colors that blend. I even carried my yarn through (for the first time). And that proved my downfall. I have a habit of watching television while I crochet, and sometimes that can alter my tension. I was watching something particularly suspenseful for a portion of this blanket, and my tension increased, a...