Oven Baked Ribs

All You Need:

Rack of ribs (uncut, and 3-6lb works best)
Your favorite barbecue sauce 
An oven

What You Do:

Preheat your oven to 350°. Line your baking sheet with aluminum foil (this makes clean up SO much easier!). Place ribs, bone side down, on sheet pan and season generously with salt and pepper. Cover the ribs with aluminum foil, wrapping over the edges of the pan. Bake for about 90 minutes. 

Remove the pan from the oven, and uncover the ribs. 

Coat the ribs with your favorite sauce (using a basting brush if necessary). Return the uncovered ribs to the oven for another 40-50 minutes. This ensures the sauce caramelizes and the meat gets tender.

The Wordy Bit

Now, speaking of ribs, did you know there's 8,000 choices in the grocery store for "ribs"? There's country ribs, baby back ribs, spare ribs, pork back ribs, here's a bit of meat on a bone we're gonna call ribs....I mean, it's ridiculous. When I began making them, again, I couldn't remember the "grocery store name" for them. Ribs. It shouldn't be that difficult. Well, I'd buy a pack of what I thought looked right (but who can tell with all the print on the packages), and I'd find out at home they were the wrong ones. I eventually grabbed a grocery store minion and asked him: "Have you ever been one to a barbecue joint and ordered ribs?" Once he nodded (while looking at me like I'd lost it), I asked: "If I wanted to make those ribs at home, which one of these 8 billion ribs would I buy?" With a chuckle, he handed me a pack, and it was the right pack! 

I have only ever made ribs in the oven, and my husband had always only ever eaten smoked/grilled/"properly made" ribs. (Notice I said "had"?) He was super skeptical the first time I baked ribs in front of him. He and I (as we always do) discussed various techniques and timing, and we tinkered with the process for about a year. We finally hit the nail on the head with this one, though. The meat is tender, the sauce doesn't run away, and they are the best ribs we've ever had. 

We were out to eat not too long ago, and I remarked there were ribs on the menu. My husband's reply? "Why would I order those? If we wanted ribs, we can just make them at home...and better." It's hard not to love him. And I hope you enjoy these ribs as much as we do. (Side note: We usually either use Sweet Baby Ray's Original or Sweet & Spicy Barbecue sauce.)

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